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  • Precision CNC machining has very wide applications in the manufacturing of medical components. This machining technology enables rapid production of complex medical parts, with production cycles that can be completed within a few hours. It is capable of fabricating not only surgical instruments but also critical medical devices and implants. The machining requires extremely high precision and repeatability to meet the demands of surgery, optical instruments or their maintenance and repair. Why Precision Is Important In Medical Parts Manufacturing? Precision is crucial in medical......

    2024.10.18 Read More
  • Best brass and aluminium grades for CNC machining In CNC machining, choosing the right material grade is crucial to the success of the project. Different materials have different mechanical properties, machining difficulty and cost, which will directly affect the quality and production efficiency of the final product. Specific introduction to the characteristics of common brass grades such as 360 brass and 385 brass, and aluminum grades 6061, 7075 and 2024 aluminum. Point out their advantages and disadvantages in rolling and milling processes, so as to help readers choose the bes......

    2024.10.17 Read More
  • What is a car intake manifold? The intake manifold is a critical component in the engine, responsible for evenly distributing air, fuel mixture, or clean air to the intake passages of each cylinder. For carburetor or throttle body gasoline injection engines, the intake manifold connects the intake pipe between the carburetor or throttle body and the cylinder head. In the complex construction of automobile engines, the intake manifold plays a crucial role. As a bridge connecting the carburetor or throttle body with the cylinder head intake duct, the intake manifold is res......

    2024.10.17 Read More
  • Custom CNC machining is a precise manufacturing process that uses computer-controlled machines to cut, shape, and fabricate parts from various materials like metals, plastics, and composites. It’s widely used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical devices, and consumer electronics to produce complex components with high accuracy. Fast turnaround in CNC machining is crucial for customers because it allows them to iterate designs quickly, respond to market demands, and maintain efficient production schedules. Rapid delivery of custom parts can significantly reduce dow......

    2024.10.14 Read More
  • The drive for efficiency and precision has led to the innovation of dual-head machining equipment in CNC machining. These machines are designed to operate with two spindles or heads simultaneously, allowing manufacturers to drastically reduce cycle times and improve production output. This guide will walk you through the fundamentals of CNC double-headed machining, highlight the top three double-headed machining lathes, and discuss the potential downsides and challenges associated with these advanced machines. 1. Introduction to CNC Double-Headed Machining What is Dual-Head M......

    2024.8.30 Read More
  • The performance of five-axis CNC machining centers has now reached an advanced level, being widely used in fields such as medical devices, new energy vehicles, semiconductors, precision molds, aerospace, and more. Moreover, the industry continues to grow year after year. So what exactly is 5-axis machining, what are the axes, and what are its advantages, and differences compared to 3-axis and 3+2 machining? What is 5-Axis Machining? CNC machining is a manufacturing method that removes material using cutting tools on different machines like mills, lathes, and machining centers. 5-a......

    2024.8.30 Read More
  • What is ultra-low temperature processing? Why hasn’t it become popular? In the tool wear mechanism, wear itself is not the only reason for tool failure; high temperature is the real enemy of tools. In conventional wet cutting processes, the main function of cutting fluid is lubrication and/or splashing on the tool and workpiece to remove heat. In low-temperature cutting processes, liquid nitrogen is used as the coolant instead of cutting fluid. The temperature of the coolant poured may be 20°C, while the temperature of liquid nitrogen is -196°C. Such a large temperature difference......

    2024.8.30 Read More
  • Polysulfone (PSU) is a versatile engineering plastic that has been increasingly adopted across various industries due to its exceptional mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. This article provides an in-depth look at the properties and applications of PSU plastic, highlighting the PSU machining service at CNCJY and its uses in different fields. What Is PSU Plastic? Polysulfone (PSU) is a high-performance, amber-colored, amorphous polymer that is transparent or semi-transparent. It has excellent mechanical properties, including rigidity, abrasion resistance, and heat resistance,......

    2024.8.19 Read More

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